As metal roofing experts with decades of experience in the industry, we’re often asked about whether the sun can damage metal roofing. Here, we’ll provide you with the answers.
In this article we’ll be discussing whether the sun can damage your metal roofing, how hot it has to get before you experience damage, the common types of damage and much more. We’ll even talk about where to go if you think your roof might be damaged.
So Can Too Much Sun Damage Your Metal Roofing?
Yes. Metal roofing is not impervious to the effects of the sun. Over time, you may notice some damage to your roof.
What are the Common Types of Sun Damage May You See?
There are a few different ways in which the sun may damage your metal roof. Here, we’ll break them down.
UV Coating
When your metal roof is installed, there’s generally some type of UV coating applied to the metal to protect it from the sun’s rays. But, when the temperature gets too warm, the coating – often made of silicone – may start to disintegrate.
In most cases this is a gradual process which will lead to your shingles becoming brittle. This is when it’s likely you’ll start to experience issues.
If your metal roof is coloured, it will inevitably start to fade over time. This is, however, something you need to consider when deciding on the colour of your metal roof and how much maintenance you want to take on after it has been installed.
Thermal Shock
Thermal shock is one of the more serious problems you might encounter with a metal roof.
It refers to movement in your roof caused by excessive heat, which then damages the materials. It is most common when the temperature is especially high and then drops suddenly.
How Much Warm Weather Can a Metal Roof Withstand?
It’s important to remember that a metal roof can withstand extremely high temperatures of up to 1100℃. However, if you have consistently hot temperatures (particularly if they drop suddenly), you may need to watch out for signs of deterioration.
How to Protect Metal Roofing
There are several ways in which you can protect your metal roof from the effects of the sun. These are:
– cleaning and maintaining your roof on a regular basis
-organising regular roofing inspections
– ensuring you choose a sustainable, quality and durable product
Fortunately, these are all something you are guaranteed of when you choose to work with Manchester Roofing, which brings us to our next point.
Where to Go for Assistance
While it might be tempting to access your roof yourself for evidence of sun damage, it’s not something we as roofing professionals can endorse. Working at heights and on roofs can be dangerous, especially if you’re not used to it.
If you think your roof may be in need of repair, it’s best to consult the experts. Our team at Manchester Roofing will get the job done in a professional, timely and safe manner so you can focus your attention elsewhere.
Ready to organise a roofing inspection? Contact our team today.