Asbestos Removal
Sunshine Coast

If you own domestic or commercial property in Sunshine Coast that contains asbestos, then you may need to have it removed. Here at Manchester Roofing, we have decades of experience helping property owners dispose of potentially hazardous asbestos roofing materials safely, protecting customers, colleagues and family members alike.

Fully Licenced

When it comes to asbestos removal in Sunshine Coast, we don’t take any risks. All out asbestos removal operatives hold B Class Certification in asbestos removal. Our colleagues understand how to handle, process and dispose of potentially harmful materials containing asbestos.

Manchester Roofing complies with ALL Australian Standards regarding asbestos removal and disposal.

Do You Need Asbestos Removal In Sunshine Coast?

During the early twentieth century, manufacturers discovered that they could make cheaper and longer-lasting concrete roofing products if they added asbestos fibres. Not knowing that asbestos fibres were harmful to human health, suppliers and builders began including them in the construction of buildings all across the Sunshine Coast. Before long, there were thousands of buildings in the area containing the dangerous fibres.

Asbestos-infused concrete roof sheeting isn’t a problem so long as the material remains intact. But, over time, even the most durable of roofing materials begin to break down. Asbestos sheets, just like any other form of roofing material, begin to erode, releasing the fibres they contain into the atmosphere. When this happens, it puts people at risk of developing a range of dangerous (and mostly incurable) lung conditions, such as asbestosis.

Regulations preventing the construction of new buildings using asbestos came into effect too late: the damage was already done. But that doesn’t mean that we cannot solve the problem. Today, Manchester Roofing is on a mission to ensure that customers can remove asbestos roofing materials safely and effectively.

How We Remove Asbestos Roofing In Sunshine Coast

To remove asbestos safely and effectively, we’ve put in place a series of industry-leading processes.

Work Method Statement
Before beginning any work, we draft a Work Method Statement. The Statement contains details on how we will protect every stakeholder on the project, including customers, colleagues, staff and the general public.

Security Barriers
Asbestos removal is a hazardous process and only performed by trained professionals wearing proper safety gear, such as coveralls and respirators. Manchester Roofing erects barriers around the work site to prevent unauthorised access.

Sheet Sealing
Damaged asbestos sheet materials can release significant quantities of asbestos into the atmosphere when handled. Our operatives seal the sheets using water or PVA paint, preventing fibres from escaping into the air.

Specialised Lowering Equipment To Prevent Breaking
Manchester Roofing uses specialised lowering equipment and procedures to prevent sheets from being damaged in transit from the roof to the ground. Preventing damage is essential because it prevents the release of asbestos fibres into the environment.

Vacuum Equipment To Remove Traces Of Asbestos
Even with the most careful handling, it’s likely that prior damage has left a residue of asbestos particles. We use approved vacuums to remove them from your property.

Contact Us Today

If you want to remove asbestos from a property you own or manage in Sunshine Coast,
then get in touch with us today on 07 3490 8480 or 0412 621 094.